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Writer's pictureAndrea L Merrill

Yeonsoo Sara Lee: Artist

While my interests in art began separate from medicine as a child, I only recently reinvigorated my involvement in art in medical school. Now, I have a passion in synthesizing art in medicine, and the medical humanities. I am part of the inaugural Distinction Track in the Applied Medical and Health Humanities at Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine, and have noticed how this skill set has been incredibly useful for wellness, communication of scientific research, and professional advancement. For example, doing the art itself is obviously enjoyable as a hobby, but getting to sketch my own illustrations for abstracts or journal articles means I have to truly understand the concept in order to be able to depict it. Further, art has been a way for me to connect with similarly artistically-oriented medical professionals, including those in urology, but also beyond.

One of my highlights was writing, illustrating, and publishing a children's book about anatomy called "The ABC's of Anatomy" with my classmates at Mayo Clinic, Jordan Pollock and Lane Moore. This came full circle, as I also got to teach anatomy to our first-year medical students by illustrating anatomic concepts to translate to clinically important topics.

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